Items where Year is 2004
Number of items: 4.
Hodgson, Ernest, ed. (2004) A Textbook Of Modern Toxicology. John Wiley & Sons.
Clark, Carolyn Chambers (2004) The Holistic Nursing Approach to Chronic Disease. Springer, Newyork. ISBN 0-8261-2504-2
Lydyard, P.M. and Whelan, A. and Fanger, M.W. (2004) Immunology. Garland Science/BIOS Scientific Publishers.
Sastrawinata, Sulaiman and Martaadisoebrata, Djamhoer and Wirakusumah, Firman F. (2004) Ilmu Kesehatan Reproduksi: Obstetri Patologi. EGC, Jakarta. ISBN 979-448-675-2